About ECO4

Renewable energy harnessed from solar power offers a sustainable and eco-friendly solution to meet the worlds.

Understanding the ECO4 Scheme

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) is the government's flagship initiative to reduce energy bills and improve energy efficiency in UK homes. Running until March 2026, this £1 billion scheme focuses on helping households access significant funding for home improvements

What is ECO4?

The Energy Company Obligation (ECO4) represents the newest phase of the government’s
long-term commitment to reducing fuel poverty and lowering carbon emissions. Under this
scheme, energy companies are required to help households become more energy efficient.

Key Features of ECO4:

Who Funds ECO4?

The scheme is funded by major energy companies as part of their obligation to help households
reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty. This funding is then made available to eligible
households through approved partners like Save Energy.

We work with leading energy companies to:

Why ECO4 Was Created?

The UK government established ECO4 to:

Who is funding the scheme?